Malvern Primary School

Malvern Primary School

About Malvern Primary School

Malvern Primary School is an inner-city primary school in the heart of Liverpool. Malvern cultivate the power of being KIND and this philosophy sits at everything they do – including PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

We implemented Complete PE due to its accessible and easy format, for non-PE teaching staff to follow. The resources on Complete PE are accessible and easy to use/follow.

Complete PE was implemented prior to us employing a PE specialist across the school; however, we still use Complete PE for cover lessons and for students to use during flipped learning expeditions.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

Complete PE is used as a reference point in planning and delivery. Learning journeys are shared with students and the promotion of learning values enhanced using some of the resources.

Complete PE further enhances our curriculum and delivery process by offering advice and tasks that can be aligned to the learning journeys. The use of its videos and resources have also strengthened delivery throughout the school. Its simple breakdown has also enabled students to know what they are being assessed in and to demonstrate such skills for assessment purposes.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

Complete PE has had a positive impact on the delivery of the PE curriculum, so that every class and year had access to a planned and structured curriculum. Following the appointment of a PE specialist, Complete PE is used as a reference point and a tool to enhance delivery of the curriculum across all years. The resource covers such a wide variety of sports and areas of learning, which allows us to expect our curriculum offer. In addition, the content is broken down in such a simple format that is easy for staff to explain and for students to absorb.

Since staff have used Complete PE ,along with the introduction of a PE specialist, we have seen an increase in participation and enjoyment during PE lessons (student voice) with a massive increase in uptake in sports participation at events and extra curricular activities.

We used Complete PE for our staff CPD. Complete PE has allowed us to collaboration with other members of sport staff, teaching staff and other schools as the resource is used across schools in our network.

Do you feel Complete PE will be able to support your school well into the future too?

Yes! Complete PE will support our school in the future as plans and resources get regularly updated. New sports (areas of learning) and resources are added and with this the scope to offer a wider curriculum can be established.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


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8000+<br> Interactive Videos

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