Case Studies

Complete P.E. is used by schools all across the UK and internationally. Read our case studies to see how Complete P.E. is making an impact and if the resource could support you and your school.

Belmont Primary School
Belmont Primary School

Belmont Primary School

Our pupils love PE and it is brilliant to see their progress …

Complete PE gives support to less confident staff whilst allowing excellent progression and development of skills for all pupils.

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Wardley Primary School
Wardley Primary School

Wardley Primary School

Complete PE has had a massive impact on our PE provision!

The build-up of steps builds pupils confidence. There’s a great range of games to support learning!

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Derby County Community Trust
Derby County Community Trust

Derby County Community Trust

Helping to up skill teachers and our staff

We like the ethos behind Complete PE and the fact that they are all about supporting schools instead of just selling a product!

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Youth Sport Trust
Youth Sport Trust

Youth Sport Trust

Proud to partner

We are proud to class Complete PE as one of our ‘changemaker’ businesses.  We believe Complete P.E. provides the full package of support to teachers in planning, teaching and assessing high quality PE against both physical and personal outcomes for all pupils.

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St Margaret’s Primary School
St Margaret’s Primary School

St Margaret’s Primary School

100% improvement in the attitude to teaching PE

One of the instant impacts we have seen at school, is the increased enthusiasm of the teachers for teaching PE!

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Mansfield Town Community Trust
Mansfield Town Community Trust

Mansfield Town Community Trust

... the impact of Complete PE spills out into our partner schools

Complete PE’s CPD days has furthered my understanding of PE and how it can implement my skillset across my planning and delivery.

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Dinglewell Infant School
Dinglewell Infant School

Dinglewell Infant School

A resource that has a clearly defined progression of learning

Since we have implemented Complete PE, we have had both positive pupil and parent feedback on PE.

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Belmont Primary School
Belmont Primary School

Belmont Primary School

Using Complete PE has made my job so much easier!

Complete PE is such a wonderful resource, and it has made such a positive impact on our school’s overall PE provision.

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

A really easy resource to use

All staff are fully engaged in using Complete PE and comment on the high quality of the resource and how easy it is to use.

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Twynham Primary School
Twynham Primary School

Twynham Primary School

A great investment

Without doubt it’s probably the best investment we’ve made using our PE and School Sport Premium!

Complete PE is high quality and the resource continues to grow.

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Greenmount Primary School
Greenmount Primary School

Greenmount Primary School

Confident Staff

The units of work provide so much support from interactive videos, questioning, how to support, explanations and diagrams. Teachers feel up-skilled, empowered, confident and enjoy teaching PE.

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St Robert’s Primary School
St Robert’s Primary School

St Robert’s Primary School

Complete PE does what the name says ...

It does what the name says, it gives everything that is needed for staff, whether they are confident teaching PE or not. Complete PE has helped staff to refine and differentiate PE lessons and has helped to embed meaningful assessment for learning.

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St Michael’s Primary School
St Michael’s Primary School

St Michael’s Primary School

A whole staff approach to teaching PE

100% of teachers enjoy teaching PE since the introduction of Complete PE.  Teachers are now willing to teach PE rather than leaving it to a teaching assistant or avoiding teaching PE altogether.

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Cholsey Primary School
Cholsey Primary School

Cholsey Primary School

Positive Impact

Complete PE has had a really positive impact on our children and staff. There is more enjoyment around PE and an improvement in the standards of teaching.

We love it!

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Thorn Grove Primary School
Thorn Grove Primary School

Thorn Grove Primary School

High Quality Teaching

Our pupils now have access to consistently, high quality teaching across the school.  The teaching staff have adopted a formative assessment approach (coloured band assessment), which is now used across the school.

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Manuden Primary School
Manuden Primary School

Manuden Primary School

Better Lessons

The quality of teaching and learning has improved across the whole school since the implementation of Complete PE. Lessons flow, have pace, pupils are appropriately challenged but most importantly, pupil’s always look forward to their PE lessons.

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Castle View Primary School
Castle View Primary School

Castle View Primary School

Active Children

The high-quality PE lessons that have now been delivered have ensured that pupils are active for longer periods of time, their lessons are more engaging and that teacher attitudes are more positive – which is also evident to the children.

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Manor Fields Primary School
Manor Fields Primary School

Manor Fields Primary School

Increased Confidence

“Complete PE shows a clear map of progressive lessons (and skills) from EYFS to Year 6. Teachers confidence has increased since the implementation of the resource.”

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Why Complete P.E. will be
transformational in your school.

Deliver High Quality Physical Education

Our units of work cover all contexts of learning and our supporting resources will ensure that every teacher feels confident to enjoy teaching PE.

  • Schools can design and create their own bespoke curriculum by selecting content from our vast unit library using our Curriculum Mapping Builder.
  • Our units of work flow in a sequential order, presenting teachers with a clear progression of learning to support the delivery of Physical Education.
  • The Learning Cards, embedded within our planning, provide teachers with ideas to confidently adapt learning to meet the needs of all their pupils.

On-going CPD for all PE Leaders and Teachers

Our Subject Support Area is packed full with training and resources to ensure that all PE Leaders have access to everything they need, so that they can perform their role with ease. Additional training and resources are also stored here for every member of staff to use.

  • PE subject leaders can access evidence documents and supporting material that will help them to prepare for a ‘Deep Dive’.
  • All subject leaders can access one-to-one bespoke subject leader support. This support can be booked whenever it is needed.
  • Our Subject Leaders’ Area contains webinars and resources to help support all teachers to implement a High Quality Physical Education curriculum.

Develop and Assess the ‘Whole Child’

The units of work are ‘Whole Child’ focused, ensuring all pupils’ personal skills will be challenged, developed and assessed.

  • ‘The Whole Child’ focus supports every school to evidence the personal development of all pupils.
  • Our easy to use Assessment Tool enables teachers to complete quick and meaningful summative PE assessments that take into account the ‘Whole Child’.
  • Our PE Assessment Tool automatically calculates the percentage of pupils on track to meet age related expectations (ARE), providing schools with valuable data.

Up & Coming Events

South Cambs | What Makes High Quality PE

11 September 2024

South Cambs | What Makes High Quality PE

1350+<br>Primary Schools

Primary Schools

7500+<br> Interactive Videos

Interactive Videos

1500+<br>Learning Cards

Learning Cards



Used in 18<br> different countries

Used in 18
different countries

Inspire Learn Succeed