ACHPER Victoria
The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation whose vision is for all Victorians to be active and healthy. ACHPER Victoria work to achieve this by advocating for the highest quality health and physical education, sport and recreation and inclusive whole of school physical activity in schools.
Partner Comment
We believe Complete PE provides the full package of support to teachers in planning, teaching and assessing high quality PE against both physical and personal outcomes for all pupils.
Other Partners
Sports Directory
Sports Directory are the leading supplier of sport equipment in the UK. Sports Directory believe that physical education is an essential part of a child’s development and therefore can supply schools will all the necessary equipment that teachers need to deliver high quality PE lessons.
Partner Comment
We recognise that Complete PE provides teachers with the resources and support required to teach high quality PE lessons. By working with Complete PE, we can ensure schools receive high quality equipment, product support and value for money.
UK Wallball
UK Wallball is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to enable all young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to become regularly active in sport no matter where they live. Wallball is a sport that requires minimal funds, minimal set-up and minimal training to get going - all you need is a wall and a ball.
Partner Comment
We are thrilled to be working with Complete PE, as we work together to shine a light on the different ways children can learn about net and wall games in school, as well as the various opportunities there are to be active and have fun outside of the curriculum.
England Hockey
England Hockey is a national governing body and is responsible for the management and development of the sport from grassroots to elite activities. England Hockey is also the nominated country for Great Britain Hockey. Our mission remains to “Make Hockey More Visible, Relevant And Accessible To All”.
Partner Comment
By working with Complete PE, we are able to share resources, training, and guidance to support and encourage the delivery of hockey in schools at all levels. Together we can ‘share the love of hockey’, introducing the sport to more young people and encouraging them to participate in a game that we can all enjoy.