Belmont Primary School

Belmont Primary School

About Belmont Primary School

On the 16th November 2022 Belmont Primary School had an Ofsted inspection with a Lead HMI inspector and two team inspectors. The inspectors spent two days at Belmont Primary School and PE was selected for a deep dive.

I wanted to pass on the biggest “thank you” to the Complete PE team for producing such a wonderful resource as it proved to be a massive positive for our school’s PE inspection.

Jo Smith, PE Subject Leader

How Complete PE supported our PE Deep Dive

I was able to talk confidently and with detail about our PE curriculum, how it was created and the reasons behind the choices I have made. Having the bespoke dance units was a massive plus too.

I was able to show the inspector the Learning Ladders, Knowledge Organisers and the inspector especially liked the Learning Pathways. One class the inspector observed was working on the Balls Skills Hands 2 unit and they were developing their underarm throw. By showing the inspector the Learning Pathway example of Ball Skills Hands into Cricket, the inspector could clearly see the progression of learning that the children experience. 

The lesson plans clearly showed differentiation opportunities too. I was asked about assessment and was able to show quickly and clearly how the assessment tool within Complete PE works and how it allows me to analyse data and interrogate the data to look at Pupil Premium, SEND, gender etc and then to address any issues.

Other teaching staff were able to talk confidently about how helpful the resources, especially the video clips, were for both their confidence and to help the children understand the lesson objectives.

So, thank you, Complete PE has been such a brilliant addition to our curriculum and it has made my so much easier!

Jo Smith, PE Subject Leader

Feedback from the Inspector to the Headteacher

Feedback given to the Headteacher from the lead inspector stated that “PE was impressive”, “the children used key vocabulary well” and the “curriculum was well-planned and adapted to meet the needs of the learners”.

The inspector stated that the “PE Leader demonstrated strong leadership, good subject knowledge and maintained excellent CPD provision for staff. Pupil voice was given consideration and staff knowledge and confidence was audited well”.

The inspector praised us for our use of a Paediatric Occupational Therapist to produce 1:1 programmes that aim to remove barriers to learning in PE. The inspector commented that it was clear from lesson planning that SEND were included and supported.

Overall the inspectors felt our curriculum was ambitious, inclusive and adapted for all learners and that elements in our practice were outstanding.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


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