Thorn Grove Primary School

Thorn Grove Primary School

About Thorn Grove

Thorn Grove is a one form entry primary school in Bishop’s Stortford Hertfordshire.

Thorn Grove is a school of caring and independent learners who aim high to achieve their own ambitious personal goals.

Thorn Grove chose to implement Complete P.E. to ensure every teacher has a resource that helps them to develop the ‘whole child’ when teaching PE.

Complete PE was an instant hit with the teachers!

Sue Cooper, PE Leader
Why did you decide to implement Complete P.E. at Thorn Grove?

The planning used before Complete PE did not allow staff to adequately plan or teach the key elements of the National Curriculum nor did it provide teachers with the resources and support to deliver High Quality PE lessons.

Before fully implementing Complete PE we trialled the resource throughout the school. This allowed teachers time to see if the resource suited their needs and would provide them with the necessary support and resources that they felt they needed to teach High Quality PE.

We decided to implement Complete PE as we believed that this particular resource would support all our staff to teach a well balanced and progressive curriculum, in addition to helping them understand the elements needed to develop the whole child during PE.

What is/was the key purpose for implementing Complete P.E.?

During teacher voice surveys at the end of the year, (2019) teachers were all a little weary of teaching PE.

*80% of teachers felt they did not have the right subject knowledge.

*70% said that they did not know how to play the games/activities on the school curriculum plan.

*All staff said that they did not understand how to accurately assess a PE lesson.

We believed that Complete P.E. would give us a consistence approach to teaching and assessing PE.

After a CPD session on how to use the resource, staff began to use the newly crafted curriculum, hand in hand with the framework and clear success criteria within Complete PE.

Complete P.E. was an instant hit with the teachers. A particular favourite element was the example videos: these are a great tool for the teachers but also to show the children an age related, good example of the skill being taught.

What impact has Complete P.E. had on your staff?

The over whelming feeling from all teaching staff is that Complete PE has given them the confidence to teach P.E lessons.

The structured lesson plans allow the progression of skills used in various activities: not relying on the teachers to know everything about teaching a particular sport.

From a baseline of 80% of teaching staff not confident to teach P.E confidently, that baseline has now changed to +80% are confident to teach PE lessons and, more importantly, feel happier on how to assess the children accurately.

What impact has Complete P.E. had on your pupils?

Our pupils now have access to consistently, high quality teaching across the school.

The teaching staff have adopted a formative assessment approach (coloured band assessment), which is now used across the school.

Children know what is expected in each lesson and the coloured bands help them to understand when a different skill (physical, social, cognitive and emotional) has been attained.

Teachers can now more accurately assess where the children’s learning is. The school’s target of >85% has been met.

What has the overall impact been on your PE provision?

Our school now has a standardised, good quality and engaging PE curriculum. Staff feel supported when delivering PE lessons and regularly use the example videos to assess and show children good practice.

Complete P.E. was funded from our PE and School Sport Premium, this was money well spent! The investment has laid a path to enabling the school to maintain the quality delivery of PE , putting in place a sustainable path for many years to come.

We have recommended Complete P.E. to schools in our partnership and many of them are now using it on the back of our school’s success story.

Sue Cooper, PE Leader

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


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