Greenmount Primary School

Greenmount Primary School

About Greenmount Primary School

Greenmount is a thriving and popular inner-city school in Beeston, South Leeds.

Our aim is for all of our children to gain independence through an adventure in learning and develop the values of tolerance, respect, perseverance and achieve well by the time they leave us in year 6.

Our focus is that every child and their family will look back and recall their time at Greenmount, as a time of achievement and hard work but also of fun and friendships; a time during which they developed a thirst for knowledge and a passion for learning. 

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

In 2018, we were invited to attend the education show at the NEC. Up until that point, PE had always been led by outside coaches and moving forward, my vision was that I wanted class teachers to lead PE.

Although that was my aim, I wasn’t yet sure how it was going to be achieved. That was until I got talking to some representatives of Complete PE. From the outset, I totally bought into their vision and values. Their ethos was one that aligned with mine, wanting to ‘equip every teacher with the knowledge and tools to confidently enjoy teaching high quality PE’.

On returning from the conference, I carried out a baseline survey with all staff, gaining a better understanding on how they felt towards teaching PE. The data was as I had thought- and I knew that Complete PE could support us as teachers, leaders, and whole school.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

We rolled out Complete PE at the beginning of the 2019 academic year. The initial staff meeting was incredible positive, and staff were enthusiastic. We decided that we would review termly. Alongside this, a survey would be sent out to staff at the end of the year to gain further feedback and enable me to review results compared to our baseline survey.

Using the curriculum mapping builder, I was able to ensure that our provision covered every context of learning of the Primary Physical Education National Curriculum from Foundation to Year 6. Our curriculum is now clear, progressive, and exciting for both teachers to teach and pupils to engage with.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

As a subject leader, I couldn’t be prouder of our PE journey at Greenmount Primary.

In our recent survey, 100% of staff said that they now feel confident in teaching physical education using Complete PE. The units of work provide so much support from interactive videos, questioning, how to support, explanations and diagrams. Teachers feel up-skilled, empowered, confident and enjoy teaching PE.

A concept introduced to us by Complete PE (development of the whole child) has had a huge positive impact on our pupils. We have introduced bibs for each lesson that encompass the 4 values that support the whole child: physical, cognitive, social, and emotional. This has been embedded across all classrooms and underpins our PE School vision.

As well as pupils becoming more skilled, physically fitter and having a better understanding of the elements of PE, they can recognise that PE isn’t just all about the ‘physical’. Our school moto is CLIMB: Confidence, leadership, independence, motivation and belief and Complete PE encompasses our school vision and more.

Do you feel Complete PE will be able to support your school well into the future too?

Complete PE is here to stay at Greenmount. With a one-off investment and small membership fee Complete PE will be able to support our school well into the future.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


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