Manor Fields Primary School

Manor Fields Primary School

About Manor Fields Primary School

Manor Fields is a primary school in Hertfordshire  where every child is valued and their curiosity, creativity and individuality are celebrated.

Our aim is to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity across our school. We aim to offer a sustained programme of PE teaching throughout the school with clear progression in the teaching of PE skills (cognitive, physical, social and emotional). We aim to ensure that all staff are able to assess children’s learning appropriately.

There has been a positive impact on my confidence when teaching PE

KS2 Teacher, Manor Fields
Why did you choose to implement Complete P.E.?

Staff confidence from January 2019 showed:

*0% of teachers assessed themselves as having a ‘very good’ confidence level in teaching all areas of PE.

*50% of teachers assessed their knowledge of PE and skill in teaching all areas of PE as being good or fair.

*12% of teachers assessed their knowledge, confidence and skill in teaching all areas of PE as being

We set ourselves the challenge of ensuring that 100% of staff would feel confident in teaching all areas of the curriculum and 0% to be assessing their knowledge, skills and confidence as poor.

To support this aim, we chose to implement Complete PE from Easter 2019.

By July 2019: All teachers had been given training to really understand how to get the most from Complete PE, to improve teaching, learning and progression across KS1 and KS2.

What improvements have there been so far across your school?

Confidence data from July 2019 showed:

*100% of staff felt more confident in teaching all areas of the curriculum.

*0% of staff assessed their knowledge, skills and confidence as poor.

*Overall 66% of staff now feel confident at teaching all areas of PE. By July 2021, we predict that 100% of staff will feel confident teaching all areas of PE.

How did you implement Complete P.E. at Manor Fields?

We introduced Complete P.E. through three whole school CPD insets. The first was to introduce the Complete PE programme. The second was to explain the use of the assessment tool and the third inset was to up-skill staff in the teaching of specific areas of the PE curriculum.

How did Complete P.E. impact on your curriculum mapping processes?

Complete P.E. shows a clear map of progressive lessons (and skills) from EYFS to Year 6. Teacher’s confidence has increased since the implementation of the resource.

What changes has Complete P.E. made to your teaching and learning?

From observations undertaken in July 2019, data showed that 40% (up 10%) of lessons were good or better. In November 2019, 50% (up 20%) of lessons were observed as good or better.

Have pupils seen any changes in their PE lessons?

Pupil voice data in July 2019 showed:

*95% of pupils felt that PE is ‘always fun’.

*90% of children have noticed that the delivery of their PE lessons had changed following the introduction of Complete PE.

By July 2021, we are looking to maintain this high level of pupil engagement and enjoyment of Physical Education.

How have your pupils benefited from Complete P.E.?

Pupil attainment data in July 2019, showed an improvement in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in PE.

Pupil attainment data has increased to 92.5% ARE with 28% achieving beyond ARE.

By July 2021^, with consistently High Quality Physical Education, we predict that between 90 and 95% of all pupils will achieve ARE
^Delayed data collection due to COVID lockdown.

What tips would you give to schools considering Complete P.E.?

“Just do it!”
Helen Sears, PE Subject Leader

100% of staff felt more confident in teaching all areas of the curriculum.

Teacher Confidence Survey Data, 2019 

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


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