St Michael’s Primary School

St Michael’s Primary School

About St Michael’s Primary School

St Michael’s is a one form enter primary school in Bishop’s Stortford, which is situated in Hertfordshire.

St Michael’s Primary School have been using Complete P.E. to implement a high quality Physical Education Curriculum for over three years.

Since the introduction of Complete P.E. the quality of teaching and learning in Physical Education has improved across the school and staff now really confident in deliver all areas of the curriculum.

There is now a whole staff approach to teaching PE.

Penny Hopkinson, PE Leader
Why did you decide to implement Complete P.E. at St Michael’s?

We wanted to introduce a whole school scheme of work that would include structured lesson planning, progression across all key stages and an easy to use assessment tool. The resource needed to be user friendly and easy for teachers to understand to enable them to teach high quality PE on a regular basis.

What is the objective of Complete P.E. at St Michael’s?

Complete P.E. has encouraged a whole staff approach to teaching PE.

The Subject Leaders’ Area provides teachers with continued support and confidence to teach lessons where pupils learn, progress and most importantly enjoy being physically active!

What impact has Complete P.E. had on your staff?

100%* of teachers enjoy teaching PE since the introduction of Complete P.E.
*This data is from a staff confidence survey.

Teachers are now willing to teach PE rather than leaving it to a teaching assistant or avoiding teaching PE altogether.

What impact has Complete P.E. had on your pupils?

Complete P.E. provides a clear progression of skills, which provides pupils with plenty of opportunities to experience a wide range of differentiated PE activities.

Pupils now find lessons informative and enjoyable and always feel that they are learning.

What impact has Complete P.E. had on your schools PE provision?

A tracking system is now in place to assess pupil’s progress which did not exist before. There is a consistent approach to teaching different skills and sports and pupils experience a greater variety of activities during PE lessons.

There is also a greater awareness and interest in PE across the school with a renewed focus on the importance of pupil’s health and wellbeing.

Teachers now feel more confident when teaching all areas of the PE curriculum.

Penny Hopkinson, PE Leader

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


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